
The Hahness is in the eye of the blogger

Little Pony August 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — hahngasmic @ 2:02 pm

In the year of 2007, Joe Hahn was working on one of the video-clips for his band at the studio. Simultaneously, the castings for Little Pony were being done. In the end, Joe was invited to make a small appearance on the short-film as a pilot. Directed by Filip Engström, with SMUGGLER productions, this is a short tale of a pilot known as Little Pony who fought for the sake of one of the most cherished traditions ever, Christmas. Sources say this movie was used by Sony on one of their commercials, but nothing confirms such rumor.
If you haven’t seen it yet, you should totally check it out now. If you have, you still should. It’s quite Hahngasmic, I’d say.

Have a Hahntastic day 🙂



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